الخميس، 10 مارس 2016

Sticky express tourism

  Sticky express tourism



 Approaching us summer; to forget the fatigue and hardship, and study days both of us, or our parents, even if they are not studying, but they hold their study of their children, it comes the summer and come with him Abair comfort, breezes entertainment, and increasing family ties, and the spirit of cooperation, and growing up in us the desire to travel and tourism and learn about other worlds we are familiar did not know anything about it. And a Muslim when he travels and the tourism is the first to comply with the command of his Lord, the Almighty said: "Travel freely in the land," Tourism and meditation Ebadtan to humans than their faith, strengthens her conviction, but it must be for a Muslim to adhere to public morality, Islamic and controls in that it became, especially in travel Western countries so as to reverse the honorable and shining for our religion and our principles picture. Tourism is permissible in Islam and permitted, and viewed from several aspects: it is the tourism human activity must be restricted Islamic morality, and not be the target of tourism is committing sin, or act of disobedience, or come up with action prohibited by Shara. It is also an opportunity to walk in the ground, and the meditation of God's creation miraculous, and the universe masterly, and get to know the people and tribes and races, different religions, and tongues, he says: "that He created the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages ​​and colors," said the Prophet (peace be upon him) - "Rohawwa for hearts hour clock; the hearts if Colette Amit, "and here comes in the tourism recreation, relieve the pressures of life, sharpen vigor, and the renewal of human activity, which will reflect positively on the future level of perfection in the work. And also an opportunity to achieve the principle of brothers in religion among Muslims, Tourism enables you to identify the concerns and problems of your Muslim brothers and mitigate them, to encourage them, God says: "The believers are brothers make peace between your brothers." It is moreover an opportunity for the views of other peoples, and to take advantage of their expertise and experience and move up the ladder of knowledge, science and progress. In order to come to the tourists take advantage of the trip, we have to evoke the Sharia, and more importantly, to provide even more important priorities and work schedule, provides live and food on the beaches and shopping centers, providing debt dam on the aircraft and the ticket costs and expenses statements. Here Dear types of tourism are: domestic tourism, a tourism be within the same country, to travel from one area to another, provided they are within the borders of the homeland, the second type is: foreign tourism, which is moving from one country to another, and Dallah to another. He says Ibn Taymiyyah: "Why does my enemies to me? Jannati gardener in my chest, locking me retreat, and expelled me tourism, kill me a certificate," the witness as Shaykh al-Islam mark seen as denying tourism in the land of God, recognize them on other people, and the opportunity to spread the call, as well as to victimize about the same. for the great tourism and many benefits reminds us of Imam Shafi'i -mamed bin Idris, Allah have mercy on him: sojourned homelands in the highest demand and traveled ....... in the travel five relief benefits they gain living ...... science and ethics and the company in Majid travel gaining knowledge and science, and frees distress, and breathed Krpetk, and gaining a living by working abroad, gaining Literature, new friends

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